A little piece of me

Saturday, January 31, 2009


OK so you would probably notice a theme to my latest layout shares......All Piper's yep sadly that's about all I got done last year. With study and being pregnant it was a push to get these done. But I do want to keep on top of layouts for Piper as she will be the only baby that I have had since I started scrapping. And there are so many things scrap worthy with a new life. In saying that here is today's share.

The title says it all!!! the other kids love her so much and are so very helpful. Even if it is just watching a DVD with her :-)

Love this one!!! it's the first time I got her smile in a photo ( almost said on film, how odd that these old phases come so easily to mind. Nothing sounds quite as right with all the new digital technology)

This is a copy of the layout on the packaging the Heidi Swapp clock came in. Loved the photo so just kept the layout simple which Heidi does so well.

Now this one brings back so many memories. I have photos of all our kids in this exact position on Dad's shoulder. Love it.

Well that's it for today, I hope to share the rest that I have done before we all head back into the busy school year. The kids go back Monday and I go the following week. I will miss my little girl but will so enjoy getting back into photography. I'm hoping for big things this year with the new Diploma.


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