A little piece of me

Monday, November 28, 2005

Words cannot express.......

How sad I am today............Today was one of those days, you hope in life never to have to experience. I attended a friends baby's funeral. Her beautiful perfect baby boy died one month before he was due to be born, she then had to deliver him prematurely, last Tuesday and today he was laid to rest. How devastating this is for her and her family, it is such a tragedy. So many hopes and dreams gone.

She wanted someone to photograph the ceremony for her so she could look back in years to come and remember this significant day, as she knew she was going to be too distressed to fully comprehend, or remember it. I and another of our friends offered to do this for her. As scrapbooker's we could appreciate how important this would be for her. This baby was dearly loved and had become a part of their family over the 8 months of her pregnancy. His 3 big sisters had been eagerly awaiting their little brother's arrival as had Mum and Dad been awaiting their first born son. As upsetting as it was to attend and photograph the funeral I was honored to have been able to do this for them and I hope the photo's we took will give them something to cherish in years to come.

No more from me tonight.


  • trish
    how very tragic for your friends but i am sure they will appreciate the pics even if it takes them a while to be able to look at them.
    how blessed they are to have a friend as wonderful as you.
    take care


    By Blogger Shazz, At 29/11/05 06:52  

  • What a very sad day for everyone concerned. It must have been awfully hard to take photos of the whole thing but I'm sure that Sharon will appreciate it.

    Marie xo

    By Blogger Marie, At 29/11/05 09:32  

  • How sad for the Family and you Trish!! My condolences to you all!!
    Take Care!!

    By Blogger Michelle G, At 29/11/05 21:11  

  • Trish, what a very sad day in the lives of your friend and her family and youself. What a special friend you are for putting your sadness aside to take the very special photos for her. I'm sure she will be eternally grateful for this.


    By Blogger Chris Millar, At 29/11/05 21:53  

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