A little piece of me

Monday, November 28, 2005

Words cannot express.......

How sad I am today............Today was one of those days, you hope in life never to have to experience. I attended a friends baby's funeral. Her beautiful perfect baby boy died one month before he was due to be born, she then had to deliver him prematurely, last Tuesday and today he was laid to rest. How devastating this is for her and her family, it is such a tragedy. So many hopes and dreams gone.

She wanted someone to photograph the ceremony for her so she could look back in years to come and remember this significant day, as she knew she was going to be too distressed to fully comprehend, or remember it. I and another of our friends offered to do this for her. As scrapbooker's we could appreciate how important this would be for her. This baby was dearly loved and had become a part of their family over the 8 months of her pregnancy. His 3 big sisters had been eagerly awaiting their little brother's arrival as had Mum and Dad been awaiting their first born son. As upsetting as it was to attend and photograph the funeral I was honored to have been able to do this for them and I hope the photo's we took will give them something to cherish in years to come.

No more from me tonight.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Great performances

Yesterday was a good as I hoped. Firstly Katelyn's Christmas carols at the plaza was beautiful. She was so happy to be part of the Christmas celebrations and sang so proudly. Then we all had some lunch and a boost juice, did some wandering around. Then the girls had their faces painted while the boys had a look in Sanity at DVD's and CD's with Dad. Then a talk with Santa, just to get one of his toy reindeers that he was giving out I'm sure.lol. It was a great afternoon.

In the evening we went off to watch Blake's drama group's performance. The little kids section was on first, so I helped out in the Kiosk while my Mum and 4 of the kids watched it. Then Craige came down with Ethan in time to see Blake's older group perform. We couldn't see him sitting through 2 one and a half hour plays. Well I must say I had thought it would be OK to watch but nothing special, but boy was I wrong. It was a sensation performance!!!!!!! It was captivating and entertaining and very funny. They did an awesome job. Blake was so proud of himself, he got the most laughs and the loudest applause. I could tell he didn't want the night to end. Tonight he said to me " I wish we were doing our play every night". That's a nice feeling, to know you did a really good job and enjoyed every minute of it.

Blake has wanted to be a comedian/actor for the last few years. This is his first year as part of a drama group though. I think this dream of his has been cemented in his mind and heart now. He has always been a cheeky little devil and has a very quick Witt, he often has us laughing. Like tonight, I commented to him about him getting a hairy chest, then Luke said to me "do we get that from Dad" and I replied "no I'm not sure where that comes from", to this Blake said "it must be from you then Mum". Like I said Cheeky devil he is.

Well another day over better get to bed so the next one can begin.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Well the list is finally out for the Chatterbox Design Team. Congratulations to all the girls I know on the team with a special Congratulations to my dear friend Michelle, way to go girl. So well deserved, finally your talent is being recognized and the public will get to see your awesome work.

I'm heading out shortly to take my eldest daughter, Katelyn down the plaza as her school choir, that she is in, is singing Christmas carols. I just love this time of year with all the beautiful decorations and Christmas cheer around. Hope to get some good shots to do a layout on it tomorrow, I will use some of my DT stuff and put it in Scrappers Warehouse's gallery.

Then tonight it's on to watch Blake's performance. Should be fun he has been practicing regularly and enjoys it so much.

What a great day, with great news and lots of fun things to do

Till next time.

Friday, November 25, 2005

So many things going on

Well the lovely Marie came over yesterday to show me how to put links and things into my blog, well all went haywire.lol. We made a huge mess of it but all is fixed now. Thanks for all your help Marie. It was nice to see you any way.

I have finished all my DT requirements for this month. Yay. Have got next months Chrissy things to do now. You can see any of my DT things at Scrappers Warehouse head over to the gallery and have a look. The shop is only new, but will continue to grow and become one of the greats I think.

Had a visit with Kim on Monday, she has had a bad run since being home but she is on the right track now I think and hopefully will be well soon. We have decided our little scrap group is cursed or something. There have been another 2 ladies with terrible things happen to them. There is only about 8 of us that regular attend and that's 3 out of 8 that have had disastrous things happen to them. Crossed fingers there is nothing else happen.

Had an acceptance from SM yesterday. Yay it's nice to get those e-mails. I haven't had much time to do any submitting for a while because of the competitions and things. But I sent off a couple this week and yay one will be in the encore gallery soon. I have a couple of challenges that will be in soon, I can't wait to see them. And the big Masters book should be out very soon and I'm defiantly dyeing to see that.

Blake has his performance tomorrow night. It's a comedy which he loves doing. For most of it he is in a red dress and high heels. lol. Can't wait to see that. It's always hard at these things to know whether to take the still camera or the movie one. I think they will be selling a DVD of the plays so I might take my camera and try to get some good shots then bye the DVD.

Well that's enough rambling from me. Bye till next time.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ok I'm tagged

Michelle has tagged me so I might just get on with it

Trish and Patricia(this one only when I'm in trouble, mum used it many times when I was growing up)

English that's all I know of

bridges and Dam Walls

Vanilla Diet Coke The Computer

3/4 Shorts and T-shirt

I don't know I'm not into music and I can never remember their names anyway

Don't have any

2 THINGS I WANT IN A RELATIONSHIP (other than real love)
Support and Commitment

I would love to receive flowers for no reason from my husband and I would hate to receive flowers for no reason because I would wonder what he's up to.lol.

2 PHYSICAL THINGS THAT APPEAL TO ME (in the opposite sex)
Nice Bum and hair

Scrapping and Reading

Wireless internet for my laptop and Digital SLR

America and Europe

Travel overseas and Not have any regrets

I love shopping and Getting my hair and nails done

Answering this quiz and plans for tomorrow

Target and The Newsagents

Marie and Shazz

Monday, November 14, 2005

The Best thing happened today

Kim rang me and is home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was really good to hear her voice and to know she is feeling good and has kept her beautiful personality throughout her ordeal. Now I can't wait for her to get stronger so I can share all the ISC details with her and to give her all her little goodies.

I finished my 7gypsies project off today. It was really enjoyable to do and I love it. I have been wanting to do an item in this 'style' I chose for a long time. Lots of rich dark colors, reds, blacks and gold's, its just lovely. Will hold off sending it to SM for a little while so that I can show it off to a couple of people first.

On to my DT pages after a bit of house work tomorrow, hopefully I might be able to get one mostly done. It's Craiges 38th Birthday tomorrow so I will have to go out and pick up something for him and get a cake, Ethan just loves to sing Happy Birthday so we will have to do that after dinner. I don't think I will put all those candles on the cake though. Just a few for Ethan as he also loves blowing them out.

Must head of to bed now if I'm going to be any good at all tomorrow.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Quiet before the storm

Well this week I really did do not much of anything. I am feeling so tired still, don't know whether it is just from the busy ISC weekend or from all the stressful things going on, but I hope it ends soon because all my projects have arrived and need to be done ASAP. I finally got onto finishing my 'dream layout' for Scrappers Warehouse. I'm really happy with it...... I think all the other parcels of products arriving on the door step kicked me into gear.

The package from Scrapbooking Memories with the 7gypsies goodies in it for the challenge is so awesome. I'm really inspired and can't wait to get started on it. The cutest little clipboard was part of it, I have never seen one of these before and I can't wait to get onto it. I also received a bumper DT pack from Scrappers Warehouse, so many great goodies to get my creative mojo flowing.

We went for a little drive today, as Craige needed to measure up a job. Boy is there a lot of water laying around from the recent rainfalls, the road was covered with water in more than one place. We stopped for lunch at a nice Bakery on the way home.

Tomorrow Luke is heading off on camp early in the morning, so strange to be going on a Sunday. It's going to put us out all week I bet, it feels like it's Monday tomorrow, so I think I might be a day ahead all week, not a bad place to be with so much work to do.

That's all for me tonight, better go get the kids settle a little bit.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

So Busy!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been so busy it's not funny lately. Last Thursday a good friend who was coming to ISC with myself and Marie was hospitalized and couldn't attend. This was a huge disappointment but even worse her health was a real concern to us. ISC was a rollercoaster of emotions, with missing and worrying over Kim. Catching up with friends that were so much fun and friendly, supportive and a real joy to be with, a real highlight for me at ISC. Then meeting new acquaintance's that I thought would be friendly and great to get to know better, quite the opposite, which I found very upsetting, and put a real downer on ISC for me. I also met 2 fellow Masters, Andrea and Jodie, both very lovely girls and nice to meet.

I won an Award for Excellence for Craftsmanship on the Saturday night, which was also fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!This on top of Masters was a dream come true. I have had a great run in the competitions and for this I am very thankful. It was fantastic to have the announcement made at the Gala dinner and to be given my prizes in front of many of my friends, what a wonderful feeling!!!!!!!!!!

With a very long stressful weekend, I found myself in bed most of Monday with a headache. Today I caught up on all the class projects I didn't quite finish. Tomorrow I will finish off a DT project an hopefully after that it will be on to a project for SM. Somewhere in there I will catch up on all the washing and other household jobs that need doing.

Must head to bed, still need to catch up on sleep.

Till next time, be nice



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